Greg 'n Keetha Stuff

OK, let's be honest. This is really KEETHA stuff. Sometimes I write about Greg - - - but he has never in his life made one single post of his own. He has occasionally made a comment or two. So - - - come on in and visit with me, Keetha, for a while. I'd love it if you left your foot prints. (Interpretation: COMMENT PLEASE ;-)

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Location: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States

Come on in. I'm a Wisconsin Badger who is Older than Dirt, Busy, Bubbly, Passionate, and a Prolific Communicator.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Last Northwoods Day - - -

On our way into town on Friday, we ran into this traffic jam on County "F." Honestly, how do the folks up here cope with such busy roads????

And we were forced to drive past this eyesore. Just look at those white birch trunks against that green pine background - - - hideous!!!

Hope you know facetious when you see it. :-)

Meet Rosie. One of my blogging friends, Heather, left me a comment saying her M-I-L works across the street from West's Dairy.

Sunday when Greg and I accidentally were at cross purposes (surprise, surprise) I stopped in at Rosie's shop and introduced myself. She was absolutely lovely in every way and took pity on me, a poor "street walker" at that time. ;-)

Friday on our last trip into town I went by to chat with her one more time, snap this picture, and say good-bye.

BTW - - - isn't that picture of the red Wisconsin barn in the background AWESOME??? I really wanted to buy it, but managed to resist the temptation.


Blogger Julie said...

Keetha-what kind of fishing do you do in the Northwoods? My husband is actually considering a change in location so we can all be happy! I love that man! BTW: he wanted me to pass along a thank you for sticking up for logging in a previous comment. My husband and his family own a lumber company and he is passionate about replanting and educating people that they don't destroy the forests. Hope you arrived home safely!

7/27/2008 11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! Yup, that's my mother in law. She is precious.

7/28/2008 9:53 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Yes Heather, she IS precious!!! I LOVED her.

Julie - - - I'm coming to your blog with lots 'o information!!!

7/28/2008 11:15 AM  

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